Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mixed emotions.


Near Death Experience!

Well I guess you can't call it a near death experience, since I was not really lying on the floor bleeding to death (unless someone intervened) or anything like that. But it was close (in my opinion lol).

The feeling that you get, the mixed emotions you get, the puzzle-confused state of mind you are in, all comes off very strong when you think that you are about to die. And all these combined hit you so hard that it’s hard to breath.

You start rewinding your life. You start realizing there is so much more you want to do. For that split second you start hating yourself for not listening to your friend who had told you to live your life. You feel guilty for not letting your family know that you love them, before you headed out. You feel guilty for the last time you lied about something to someone. You start feeling bad for not going to that last party you were invited to. Because you think that this it, this is the end.

If you hadn't till this point, you realize how much you love your family, mom dad brothers sisters, uncles aunts, grandparents. You start remembering that one friend of yours that you have known for the longest time, and has been with you through thick and thin. You remember your other close friends, whether they live in near or far. You start remembering everything and everyone you care about.

Now you are all going to think, "Wow this girl is talking like she’s in the hospital bed surviving from some serious life threatening trauma." I am not trying to mock those who are because I'm sure my emotions that I felt when I went through this incident is nothing compared to what some people are going through daily (i.e. those on a limited time waiting for a donor heart, or those with terminally ill disease and many others)

Now to get to the incident part of this story: I was driving back home from plaza last weekend. I was just turning right. The light was red. But if I could have stopped I could have made a right and gone as there were no cars there. BUT my brake didn't work! I couldn't stop, or slow down for that matter, I was at a 70km/h. Thank goodness there was no cars on the lane I was in, and the lights had turned green, because there was no stopping. I passed the intersection and I push on the brakes again! Doesn't work! That's when I thought "okay brake failed, I am going to die today" I don't know when you are in that situation, you forget that there is emergency brakes. But few seconds into rewinding my life and getting a perspective on life, I realized there is a hand brake I could try. But before I tried the hand brake I tried the foot brake again, and it worked! I made right into the next intersection. Side parked the car. Turned of the engine, looked back at the road and started laughing, not knowing what to feel. Anyways, I started the car, and came home.

I guess there was a good thing that came out of this terrifying incident. Some aspects of life did come into a clearer perspective for me. I realized who I truly care about!

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